Share and sell your own artwork with others during your workshop week!
What you
need to know
The Bill Murray Pop Up Gallery is an opportunity for Arts at Menucha participants, past and present, to offer their work for sale during our workshops. Items that sell best are under $100 and easy to transport home. As always, the artist sets the price, attaching their own removable price labels with their 3 initials as a code and the price. CAC handles setting up the gallery display and all sales. Commission checks are mailed to participants for 70% of retail sales price. CAC keeps a 30% commission that is used for scholarships and operating expenses. In addition to works of art, participants may also sell art making materials and books about art.
Inventory Sheet
Please download and fill out this inventory sheet and bring it with you to camp when you drop off your items to the Pop-Up Gallery. PDF or Word Doc
If you have questions email our gallery coordinator