If a registration is canceled 90+ days out, it results in a full refund minus a $50 handling fee. If 46-90 days out, it results in a 65% refund. If 30-45 days out, it results in a 50% refund. If fewer than 30 days out, there is no refund available. If you are sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, we will give you a full refund. Please stay home.
Alcohol and Tobacco
Smoking is restricted to specific areas. Smokers are asked to be very aware of potential fire danger in the windy Columbia Gorge. Discreet consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted in opaque mugs only. Students may not drink during class or in the dining room.
This year visitors for meals is not allowed. You can have a friend or family member help you unpack and pack up at week’s end. As always, you may invite your friends and family to the Friday Night walkabout to see the artwork.
We welcome people of all abilities, but please note, the Creative Arts Community does not have the capacity to help participants that need assistance to get around campus. Due to its rustic nature, independent mobility skills are required to navigate the grounds at Menucha. Contract Lori ( if you have concerns about mobility on the Menucha grounds.
Studio workshop hours are 9:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm plus a short orientation Sunday evening.
Instructors are officially off “work” at 4:00 pm and the studios remain open for use 24 hours each day.
Cell phones must be on silent during class and calls taken outside of the classroom.
Guests are not permitted in the studio during class hours, but everyone is encouraged to visit the other studios during non-instruction time.
Students range in age from early twenties to folks in their (70+) and abilities vary from beginners to professional artists.
Student class size is typically between 6 and 12.
Most campers find that they are free to take artistic risks at Menucha.
The environment is very supportive and liberating, often focusing on learning a process with less emphasis on the finished product.
Studio Painting Rules
Your health matters to Creative Arts Community. We’d like to serve you better and keep you safer by implementing these procedures for painting indoors in an enclosed studio space.
Gamsol is the ONLY solvent allowed in the studio. It is very different from any other thinner, including the odorless thinners of any sort.
All containers (other than water) need to be covered during class, and at night.
Palettes need to be covered when not in use. Yes, oil paint gives off fumes and odor.
In enclosed studio spaces, such as Ballard and the Greenhouse, mediums are offensive and should be avoided. Even Galkyd and Galkyd lite will off gas. Walnut oil (Graham sells a good product), and Gamblin Solvent Free Gels are good options, covered when not in use.
Students are encouraged to use oil (such as safflower) for brush cleaning during the painting session. Lanolin soap will be available at designated clean up stations.
Used rags, paper towels need to be placed in a fireproof container at the end of the day.
Please be prepared to pack out your used Gamsol, solvent free medium, and oil at the end of the week.
Please ask your teacher if you need additional supplies such as nitrile gloves, protective masks, lanolin soap or have additional concerns about safety.
Disclaimer of Responsibility
CAC reserves the right to not accept applications from students with a history of unsatisfactory behavior. By registering for this program the camp member specifically waives any and all claims of action against CAC and its staff for damages, loss, injury, accident, or death due to negligence on the part of any organization or employee providing services included in the Creative Arts Community Workshops.